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How long does it take for a pattern to be accepted? by CraftyCritt3r 14 years ago

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I made a pattern, and I wanted to know how long it take for it to be accepted? Sorry If i sound impatient. :D

RE: How long does it take for a pattern to be accepted? by CraftyCritt3r 14 years ago

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nvm, It was rejected. :*(

? by CraftyCritt3r 14 years ago

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Do i get banned just cuz my pattern was rejected? D: Now I'm scared!

? by CraftyCritt3r 14 years ago

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RE: How long does it take for a pattern to be accepted? by Frosty 14 years ago

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CraftyCritt3r, don't worry. There are heaps of different reasons why a pattern is rejected. I find the main reason is that the bottom order of the threads doesn't match the order of the starting row. Usually the moderators try to fix this problem but sometimes it is not fixable. If everyone who's pattern were rejected got banned, there would not be many pattern makers left on the site.

Don't give up. Keep trying.

RE: How long does it take for a pattern to be accepted? by kallum 14 years ago

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Exactly. We moderators TRY to fix patterns, but sometimes, the patterns doesn't match the picture, and then it's really hard to tell what it's SUPPOSED to look like. Don't feel bad, I've had lot's rejected, too.

RE: How long does it take for a pattern to be accepted? by CraftyCritt3r 14 years ago

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Thanks. That makes me reassured. :D

RE: How long does it take for a pattern to be accepted? by Sezza 14 years ago

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But how long DOES it take to tell you if it's been rejected or not?

RE: How long does it take for a pattern to be accepted? by sammy197 14 years ago

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Usually when my patterns are published, it takes longer than 24 hours. When my patterns are rejected, it's usually in less than 24 hours. I wonder if it's the same for everybody??


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