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How do I stop my chevrons from becoming lopsided? by Shifa 7 years ago

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they're going off center and tilting one direction slightly when I tie them. does it matter how i center the bracelet as I tie or am I tying to too tightly? this irks me somewhat. going to keep practicing trying different positions on my macrame board with it to see if i can keep my chevrons even.

RE: How do I stop my chevrons from becoming lopsided? by Allison98 7 years ago

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It could be how tight your tying it. When I first started making chevrons for the first time, I would knot with my left hand for the left side and switch to my right hand for the left side. My problem was that my left hand knots tighter and better than I can with my right hand, making it lopsided.

RE: How do I stop my chevrons from becoming lopsided? by Shifa 7 years ago

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Okay, then i'm going to practice my tying more, and adjust how tight i'm tying it. practice and trial and error is how one learns. ty for the advice!
in my case, my right ties tighter than my left. I'm in the middle of tying pattern #10203 and it's starting go go askew. I'm tying it like a chevron. Gonna adjust my tightness on my left and see if it helps.

RE: How do I stop my chevrons from becoming lopsided? by Allison98 7 years ago

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I've also learned how to do all the knots with my left hand so my knots are all consistent; but, in the case of a chevron, I still use both hands. :P


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