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Switching between horizontal and diagonal in one piece? by Janjan 7 years ago

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Im trying to design a bracelet for an event, it would require part of a diagonal pattern on the sides, and horizontal pattern in the center for letters. Does anyone have any advice on switching between the two styles in one bracelet? Cheers!

RE: Switching between horizontal and diagonal in one piece? by Sammoning 7 years ago

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If you could post the logo on the forums, maybe someone could convert it to a full alpha pattern, you can mimic diagonal lines in those.

It is also possible to combine alpha and normal patterns, but ofcourse you'd need to be able to knot both normal patterns and multicolour alphas. (Example: my photo)

The base strings for the letter part can be used for the normal pattern. You should carefully put them in the order needed for the normal parts.

But a few things to keep in mind;
Multicolor alphas can be messy on the back.
The normal bracelet is a bit smaller, so you might want to add a few extra strings on the side.
It's best to begin with the letter part, leaving plenty of strings on both sides for the normal part. This way you can make it nicely centered, wihout much measuring and estimating first.

Feel free to continue asking questions, I'll try my best to explain them and I know a few other people have done these before as well :)


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