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adding third color in an alpha name bracelet by crazyCrystal 7 years ago

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Ive got two colored alpha name bracelets down pretty good, now I want to add in a third color to my design and I'm not quite sure how to do that as well as I'm not sure how to set my string in order and where to place them and Ive read a bunch of instructions and they just do not seems to explain it clearly basically its going to be 16 stings... my background (tying string) red then I found a spider pattern on another site that I would be black then a name with blue and another spider. If anyone could possibly help with this I'd greatly appreciate it...

RE: adding third color in an alpha name bracelet by kleinevos 7 years ago

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We have a tutorial for multicolored alphas that explains it all.

Basically you have base-strings that never make a knot, and a knotting-string that makes all of the knots. The knotting-string has to be changed to the color you need for the next knot by placing the new color over the old color and make the next knot.

RE: adding third color in an alpha name bracelet by Cliccmomma43 6 years ago

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Hello I am a beginner and I would like to know how to do 3 color outlined letters!? Now if you could please explain to me how to do so I would greatly appreciate it! Starting with how many strings how meaning 1 string out of the bundle or do I need to break those down!? What order and how to do the knots!?

RE: adding third color in an alpha name bracelet by kleinevos 6 years ago

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Have a look at the tutorial mentioned above. It's all explained there.


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