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Projects for large patterns? by SammySoStellar 7 years ago

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So there's a ton of really awesome patterns, but that are 50-100 strings, which seems to be much too large to wear as a bracelet. There's some patterns that I really like and would love to use in some way. What do you guys use the large patterns for?

RE: Projects for large patterns? by kleinevos 7 years ago

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Bags or purses :-) You could also make wall hangings or cushion covers with them, or jewelry boxes.

RE: Projects for large patterns? by Allison98 7 years ago

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Bags, purses, bookmarks, there's an endless possibility to using them! :) The largest I've made is 60 strings which I have as a bracelet, but would work very nice as a cell phone case or coin purse. :)

RE: Projects for large patterns? by Shifa 7 years ago

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I look at how amazing some of those patterns are and find the size of them intimidating... how do you you make these big ones into purses and such?

RE: Projects for large patterns? by kleinevos 7 years ago

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We have some tutorials for that:
phone cover
flat bag

A bigger pattern is not much more difficult than a smaller one, it just has more strings to work with ;-))

RE: Projects for large patterns? by AZClaire 7 years ago

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I made card holders and a phone case ;-)


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