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Changing Pattern Colors by iveg0tfangz 6 years ago

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When I don't like the colors a pattern is generated in, I take the pattern into PSP9 and use the color changing tool to change the colors in bulk! I used to go into paint and fill them in one by one, my gosh.

The way I do my bracelets:
- Plain clipboard.
- I don't loop my strings, I cut them separately and tie them at the top, leaving plenty of room to braid the end.
- Separate the strings (make them flat, I guess) after you tie it. This is much easier for big bracelets, to me at least.
- Put the top where the strings are tied under the clip. Nice and strong to hold everything in place!
- I use a tablet to keep track of the pattern in an app called "Sketch", so as I go through the pattern I can put a line through the row so I don't get lost or mess up.
- If I don't like the colors that a pattern is generated in, I take the image, convert it to a PNG from GIF, and use Colour Lovers or Color Hunt for my palettes.
- I use Paint Shop Pro 9 (Old, but I know my way around it and it's an easy program to use) to change the colors. I wouldn't be able to keep track of the changed colors if I didn't do this.

I just wanted to let anyone who has trouble with big patterns and starting it out that clipboards are a wonderful tool, and if you want a simple way to change the colors of the pattern! I find it easier to twist patterns when it's on a computer/tablet screen than a piece of paper. To each his own, though!

RE: Changing Pattern Colors by hatoful 6 years ago

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I usually use MS Paint, but use the eraser tool! Say a thread color is red, but you want it blue:

Your first color (in ms paint) should be red, the second color being blue.

this make the eraser blue, but if you right click when you use it, it will only erase over the red color! I use the color picker for this often.

That way you can just scribble over the whole page, but it will only replace the color that you used the eyedropper tool with :) no need to use the fill bucket!

RE: Changing Pattern Colors by Neo7 5 years ago

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Thank you for your suggestions and sharing your process.
Very helpful to hear other ways of doing things.

RE : Changing Pattern Colors by Abless 4 years ago

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Color changing tool is give more option to make other nice color to use. So your tips are very useful and working for me,

RE : Changing Pattern Colors by Rbadger 4 years ago

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I have found that there are some good cheap apps that do it really easily on my iPad too.


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