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Length by musiclover101 14 years ago

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I know you r usually supposed 2 have the length of the string from your fingertips to the opposite shoulder, but is there any bracelet that you should make the string shorter or longer? BTW....when you make a name bracelet, how long should each strand be?

RE: Length by CraftyCritt3r 14 years ago

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when making the name bracelet, the 1 strand that is going to be your background color should almost be about the the length of your arm spread 2 times. If a bracelet is really thick you should make one string about your arm spread. Otherwise It's all the same :D

RE: Length by fbmagic 14 years ago

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I have made a TON of name bracelets! I have a website with a video on it kind of explaining the lengths! It might help! If you need to watch it Here is the URl.

Hopefully it works. It doesn't work all the time on my comp. but sometimes it does. Hope that helps!

RE: Length by wojo 14 years ago

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usually i read around 65 inches or 75 cm. folded inhalf but i usually use an arms length

RE: Length by TheUniqu3one 14 years ago

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i just wing it. if my bracelet is skinny like 4 to6 threads i usually do about 2 and a half feet. but for larger/fatter bracelets, i do 1 armspan and for alpha bracelets for the backgroundcolor i make it about 2 armspans and for the threads other than the background color i do maybe 2 feet

RE: Length by musiclover101 14 years ago

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Thanx a lot! I just don't wanna be too wasteful of the string!


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