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faster by ron 16 years ago

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Like i aid in my post above, i love to make big bracelets, but i go really slow!!! i have to checkoff the rows that i did so i dont forget where i am!!! can some one please give me some tips and tricks???

RE: faster by Candie 16 years ago

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Checking off the rows is a good idea.......and as for going faster, practice, practice, practice. Speed comes with time. Also find a position to sit where your hands and arms are free and the strings hang down, this helps alot.....

RE: faster by Olympe 16 years ago

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Start in the middle of the bracelet. This way, the threads are only half as long. For me, that increases my knotting speed by two.

RE: faster by ron 16 years ago

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well i dont hang my bracelets from sonething higher if thats what you mean, i stick it in my box and close the lid and put it on the floor in front of me

RE: faster by Olympe 16 years ago

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No, that's not what I meant. If you start at one end of the bracelet, you have the whole lenght of thread dangling from the start. If you start in the middle, it's only half its lenght. And knotting just works faster if you have shorter threads. That's what I was referring to.


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