
was donated
pending pattern by Mady383 5 years ago

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Hello everybody,
How long does it take before a pattern be published? I put a new pattern in my page, about 2 weeks ago, still pending ...

RE: pending pattern by kleinevos 5 years ago

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It can take a long time, sometimes up to a few weeks, when the moderators are busy with their own lives, and when the pattern needs more discussing before we can make a decision about accepting or rejecting.
Checking patterns takes a lot of time and all of the moderators are volunteers.

RE: pending pattern by Mady383 5 years ago

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Thank you Kleinevos, it's about a year that my last pattern was published.
In one year, their was SO MANY new ones ! I understand, difficult to compare them!.

RE: pending pattern by EdBlair 5 years ago

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You can also view the pending patterns on this link to get an idea of how big the backlog is:

RE: pending pattern by Mady383 5 years ago

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oh! thank you ! I understand better!

RE: pending pattern by kleinevos 5 years ago

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And that link only shows pending normal patterns.... We also have pending alphas and pending kumihimo patterns.
We do the best we can, but some patterns just take a lot of time. And we have so many existing patterns, it takes more and more time to check pending patterns against existing patterns!

RE: pending pattern by Mady383 5 years ago

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thank you!

RE : pending pattern by sushicat10 4 years ago

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Is there a estimated amount of time for it to take to have your patterns checked?

RE : pending pattern by Anyblia 4 years ago

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It can take several days, as we are manually checking all the patterns. We received a lot of patterns recently with the lockdown, and we aren’t a big mod team, so we need a little time to approve/reject patterns. Be patient :)

RE : pending pattern by sushicat10 4 years ago

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Thank you for answering my question!


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