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Size limit for picture upload is crazy small by Kkorsmo 4 years ago

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Hi! I don't know exactly what happened but I submitted a picture for one pattern directly from my phone, and it worked fine. Now I tried to do the same thing again and it says my file is too big, that the limit is 50 kb. KILOBYTES. That's insanely small. I can't compress it enough to make it upload, either by lossing the jpg, or even when I make it so small it's impossible to see the pattern. It uploaded my previous picture which must have been the same size or close (~200 kb) just fine, I don't understand what the difference was. Did something change recently? Also is it possible to just increase the file size restriction? I feel like small images like that worked ok 5 or 10 yrs ago, now either file data has changed or conventions for images online have changed, either way I can't get it to work even accepting some loss of resolution on the image to get it under 50 kb.

RE: Size limit for picture upload is crazy small by kleinevos 4 years ago

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Every uploaded picture has to be less than 50kb. You can resize it with an app if needed. Nothing changed recently, it changed years ago to save serverspace. The only other option is to use the flash uploader on a computer. In that case the picture can be around 80 kb, if I?m not mistaken.

RE: Size limit for picture upload is crazy small by Kkorsmo 4 years ago

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Does anyone know of an app that will reduce the jpg file size to under 50 without making it too lossy to see? Thx
P. S. Fyi I think Flash is not going be supported by most browsers soon? I can't remember if it was just Chrome or if they're discontinuing Flash altogether, but it doens't work in my browser.

RE: Size limit for picture upload is crazy small by Anyblia 4 years ago

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We've got a full tutorial on How to resize images :)
It'll give you several options to resize your pics under 50kb, without losing too much in quality.

I personnally use WaibeImages on my computer.

RE: Size limit for picture upload is crazy small by kleinevos 4 years ago

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I use ImageResize , but it seems no longer available in the Apple app store. There are several other apps you could try though.

RE: Size limit for picture upload is crazy small by Kkorsmo 4 years ago

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Thanks, yeah I did look at the tutorial. Unfortunately I don't have a pc if my own and when I use Paint on one, I still can't figure out how to make it small area-wise enough to be 50 kb, it's too small to see. All the other tutorial things seem to be how to reduce area, not file size compression. I even found a compression site it just can't make it any smaller than about 200 kb. (If I could make it a gif, it might work but the uploader only supports jpg.) I see ppl are doing it, making fairly small kinda blurry jpgs but you can still see the pattern nicely, I just can't figure out how to do it! :( I could really use an app that not only makes the picture smaller area wise but also compresses the file, that's mostly my problem. Thanks in advance!

RE: Size limit for picture upload is crazy small by kleinevos 4 years ago

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I have just tested an app on Ios. It is called CropSize and it does what it should do.
You need to choose resize, and then input. You can change the size there. I had to crop down to 280 by 210 to get it to the right size. Original size was 480 by 360 in this case.
Since apple decided to store all pictures in jpeg I always first put the resized picture in dropbox and upload it from there. It was around 44 kb and enough quality left to be able to see the bracelets.

I hope that helps! If you use android you need to search yourself, I?m afraid ....

RE: Size limit for picture upload is crazy small by Kkorsmo 4 years ago

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Yes I'm Android unfortunately. I'll have to check the app store, good to know tho that it seems like just making the area of the picture smaller is the only way to do it. I'll investigate, thanks! P.s. anyone on Android feel free to recommend something!


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