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Missing pattern by jezka 4 years ago

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Hello everyone! Have you ever added to your favorites a pattern and then you found out (oooops!) it is missing? I have a few patterns like this and I´m so disappointed every time - I wanted remove them, but it´s not possible. What can I do?
(for example #22540, #42393 or #55386)

RE : Missing pattern by halokiwi 4 years ago

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You can remove patterns from your favourites by going to the pattern and clicking remove fave. Is this what you mean?

RE : Missing pattern by halokiwi 4 years ago

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Or do you mean that patterns don't appear in your favourites even though you added them?

RE : Missing pattern by kleinevos 4 years ago

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These patterns are all rejected after a second moderator vote:

#22540 did not have pictures and we have many patterns similar to that.
#42393 was a doubled version of #42392. #55386 was the same as #52192.

Do you mean you cannot remove them from your favorite list?

RE : Missing pattern by jezka 4 years ago

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Yes, exactly. Because of the pattern is removed I can´t click to "heart" to remove the pattern from my favorites. How can I solve this problem?

RE : Missing pattern by kleinevos 4 years ago

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I hope our webmaster can solve it. It will take some time though. He’s working on more improvements :-)

RE : Missing pattern by jezka 4 years ago

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Thank you. :)

RE : Missing pattern by zoeyllm 4 years ago

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@kleinevos I'm not sure it's very fair to take down someone's pattern if it is a doubled version of another one.

RE : Missing pattern by kleinevos 4 years ago

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Yes, it is. We always look at the date of submitting. The newer versions will be rejected. These are considered copies, just like when they were submitted now. And these doubled patterns are often simple diamonds, candystripes, etc without pictures.
We don’t want doubled patterns in our pattern list.

RE : Missing pattern by kleinevos 4 years ago

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We have a tutorial for doubling patterns here btw. You can double or triple, etc. every pattern. It wouldn’t make sense to keep them all in our pattern section. That’s why we made the tutorial instead of accepting all these patterns.


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