
was donated
hij by Hij 4 years ago

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no puedo entrar desde youtube o de otra desde google a friendship bracelet

RE : hij by kleinevos 4 years ago

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Can you please use English?

RE : hij by princess_5775 4 years ago

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I'm pretty sure they said that they can not post videos from youtube.

RE : hij by kleinevos 4 years ago

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In google translate it says something else... That’s why we use English here, so we can understand each other. Google translate isn’t always helping :-(

If that’s what it says:
Make sure to only use the code, not the full YouTube link.

RE : hij by Celicia 4 years ago

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She said that she cannot access our site from a Youtube or Google link. This post is 3 months old, I guess she have found the solution since she did not comment again.

(Dijo que no puede acceder a nuestro sitio desde un enlace de Youtube o Google. Este post tiene 3 meses, supongo que ha encontrado la solución ya que no volvió a comentar.)

RE : hij by princess_5775 4 years ago

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a good example of lost in translation.. lol


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