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im stuck by kdawg34 4 years ago

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hi! i am new to making friendship bracelets and i am so confused on how to read the pattern. any help or explanations would be greatly appreciated.

RE : im stuck by halokiwi 4 years ago

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There's a tutorial on reading patterns

RE : im stuck by kleinevos 4 years ago

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You might also want to check out our tutorial about the 4 different knots that are used for making friendshipbracelets.

RE : im stuck by zoeyllm 4 years ago

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In patterns, the lines represent the strings, and the dots with arrows in them represent the knots.

RE : im stuck by amandaorly 4 years ago

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It takes some getting used to but you HAVE TO do one row at a time!! I didnt understand that when I started using patterns and it was a total mess

RE : im stuck by halokiwi 4 years ago

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You have to knot row by row when making an alpha pattern but when making a normal pattern you don't have to. You can either knot row by row too which is the simplest and safest method or you could try to knot in segments/diagonals. There are lots of great tutorials on segment knotting on YouTube. Segment knotting is a little faster than knotting row by row but it's also a little bit more advanced.

RE : im stuck by kawaii_boop_noodle 4 years ago

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i really wish i found this website when i was learning how to read patterns. it took me a few days to understand what to do.. but i'm good now, just trying to learn to make alphas now.


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