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Starbursts Missing by zoeyllm 4 years ago

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Hi, I'm making a starburst progression and I can't seem to find any with 24 strings, 28 strings, 30 strings, 32 strings, 36 strings or 38 strings. If anyone knows where I can find these, can you please give me the link/pattern number and if these do not exist, can someone please make them? Thanks.

RE : Starbursts Missing by halokiwi 4 years ago

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On this page you can't post any more starbursts I believe because they're too similar to already existing patterns. My last one got declined for that reason. What I'd do is try to base it on how many colours the stars have, not how many strings the pattern has. If you just base it on the strings the only difference between two patterns might be that there's more white space in one of them.

RE : Starbursts Missing by kleinevos 4 years ago

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You mean patterns like #66686 ?

#38137 has 22 strings

#38198 has 16 strings

We probably have some more of these.

RE : Starbursts Missing by kleinevos 4 years ago

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I have tried to give them all ‘starburst’ as keyword. I hope that helps!


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