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Tutorial on the straight edges technique by halokiwi 4 years ago

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I want to write a tutorial on the straight edges technique. I was wondering if there already is one perhaps under a different name that I could add to. Otherwise I would start my own tutorial. I was thinking there already has to be one because it's a pretty popular technique.

RE : Tutorial on the straight edges technique by kleinevos 4 years ago

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I was about to write one long time ago, but I got distracted. We had one before, but the user left our site and wanted to have his tutorials deleted. So, at the moment we don’t have one as far as I know.
But the problem with tutorials is that picture adding is not possible at the moment and a good tutorial needs to have pictures and text. It will be fixed, hopefully soon, so I was kind of waiting for that.
But if you know a good picture hosting site you can ofcourse use that to add pictures to the tutorial.

RE : Tutorial on the straight edges technique by halokiwi 4 years ago

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I haven't tried using an image hosting site yet but would imgur work?

I could try making a tutorial that doesn't rely on pictures and maybe there could be pictures added later if I don't find a fitting image hosting site yet.

RE : Tutorial on the straight edges technique by kleinevos 4 years ago

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Imgur worked fine for me, but their app changed some years ago and now I can only get a url-link (via Ipad) and not a .img or similar.
So if you know a way to get an image link for sharing via BBCode I would be very happy to know!
I have tons of images ready for putting back into our tutorials, but right now I don’t know how to do that ....

We always only accept tutorials with pictures, but in this case, if the text is good enough, we will review it knowing that picture adding is difficult right now.

RE : Tutorial on the straight edges technique by halokiwi 4 years ago

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I just added the tutorial without images. I hope it is alright like that.


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