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Not Straight Bracelets by tommyorlando 4 years ago

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My braclets are not coming out straight. They are wonky looking no matter what I do. Could someone give me a tip on making sure they end up going straight and not crooked?

RE : Not Straight Bracelets by kleinevos 4 years ago

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Keep practicing! The right tension, and most of all even tension, is important.

RE : Not Straight Bracelets by tommyorlando 4 years ago

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Ok thanks for the advice!!

RE : Not Straight Bracelets by Ailec 3 years ago

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This might be a little late but what I do is for the left part of a bracelet I do a backward forwards knot for the first two strings, and at the left side of the bracelet, I go forwards backwards for the last two strings.

RE : Not Straight Bracelets by EdBlair 2 years ago

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The other thing to do is after every few rows, gently flex and/or curl your bracelet back and forth to release any built up or uneven tension. Once you get more than a few rows away from a knot with too much tension on it, it is hard to relax it.


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