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Help/Ayuda by erendira_ 4 years ago

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can someone help me look for this pattern? I’ve been looking for it for so long! Please
alguien me puede ayudar a encontrar este patron? Lo e estado buscando por mucho tiempo! Porfavor

RE : Help/Ayuda by halokiwi 4 years ago

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I suppose the exact pattern probably won't be on here but this bracelet has 12 strings and 5 colours, it's partially like the chevron (pattern 2) and partially like the diamond part in pattern 5848. Maybe you can figure out based on this how the bracelet is made. I don't know how experienced you are.

RE : Help/Ayuda by Dai 4 years ago

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Yeah, as halokiwi said, you'll probably have to figure it out by yourself, but it shouldn't be too hard.. I'd do a mix between a chevron and #4003.

That said, if you search for 12 string patterns with 6 colors (your picture repeats green), and order them by views, you'll find many similar options!
#74031 is pretty close if you swap the middle part for a chevron
#67939 also works if you make the diamonds part longer and more chevrons between the diamond parts
And finally #72595 is even closer to what you need, just continue the chevrons until the same border colour for the diamonds is used again.
I didn't keep looking past page 4 so I don't know if an exact match exists, but hopefully you get the idea :)


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