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"Could not connect to the server!" by alicat5678 4 years ago

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I've been using this website for about a week and have had no problems accessing anything, but today I worked really hard on my first pattern, and when I tried to save it, I got a message saying "Could not connect to the server!" When I close out of that message, the save button says "Saving..." and is grayed out so I can't press it again. I have created a simpler pattern to try it again, and I keep getting the same message. I created my account today and have confirmed it. This has happened on multiple devices. If I can't submit, could I send the screenshot to a moderator who could submit it? For one thing, I want to see how it looks in the diamond format in which submitted patterns are shown on the website to know if I have to switch a certain knot. If anyone else has also experienced this and has a solution, I would appreciate it! Thanks!

RE : "Could not connect to the server!" by kleinevos 4 years ago

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I think we have a bug. I can see the patterns you saved ( Note that all simple and similar to existing patterns will not be accepted, so please don’t save these!) but the thumbnail isn’t showing.
The patterns are saved though. So I think this can be solved by our webmaster.

RE : "Could not connect to the server!" by kleinevos 4 years ago

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This is one of them:

RE : "Could not connect to the server!" by alicat5678 4 years ago

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If you can see the one I just tried to post (I got the same message but I assume it went through if the others did), it's the final updated version of the one I made yesterday. The edges are more symmetrical now. Thanks!

RE : "Could not connect to the server!" by kleinevos 4 years ago

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I can see it. Note that we have patterns that are too similar. (Search on rectangle.) So the pattern will most likely be rejected.

RE : "Could not connect to the server!" by alicat5678 4 years ago

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Ok, thanks for responding to my question!


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