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Please, help me to describe this pattern video by Aliazel 4 years ago

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Hi, I wanted to do this bracelet but in the video the person didn't show well all the knots (I'm a beginner) and I struggle to make it. Can someone tell me which knot he's making?
Thank you all for your help!

RE : Please, help me to describe this pattern video by kleinevos 4 years ago

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He shows diagrams while he makes the knots.
You can also search on ‘horizontal’ or on ‘stripe’ in our pattern section. We have a lot of these patterns. And in our tutorial section are tutorials on how to make the knots and on how to read patterns.
I hope that helps!

RE : Please, help me to describe this pattern video by Aliazel 4 years ago

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Thank you for answering! Sadly I can't see how he make all the knots. Sometimes it's not clear enough for me :'(
And I already checked all the pattern here and nothing is the same. Not the same number of color and not the same color proportion also. I know how to read patterns and make knots but I'm still easily lost when it's not clearly showed. I need already a real fluid guide with all the steps indicated. D:

RE : Please, help me to describe this pattern video by Dai 4 years ago

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Hello :)
If you are already familiarized with the knots and how patterns work, these are the knots for that pattern:
Row 1: F F BF FB B B
Row 2: FB FB F BF BF

If not, here is a similar tutorial It's not the same but it's more beginner friendly and you can clearly see the knots being made.
I don't think the exact pattern exists on the site (and probably won't since there are so many similar options) but if you prefer diagrams, #10183 is the closest I could find

RE : Please, help me to describe this pattern video by kleinevos 4 years ago

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This should help:

This might not be exactly how the one in the video is knotted ( I didn’t watch the whole video. ) But this gives the same result.

RE : Please, help me to describe this pattern video by Aliazel 4 years ago

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Than you sooooo much both of you !!! The combo of your answer allowed me to start well this bracelet ! Will put a pic of it as soon as I finish it !
You're amazing, thank you again for the speed of your answers !


RE : Please, help me to describe this pattern video by Dai 4 years ago

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awesome job with the pattern kleinevos :D

and glad we could help!!


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