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I understand that this may not be allowed but... by horsegrl 4 years ago

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If I were to make the pattern in this website, a pattern in bracelet book is that considered copyright... would I have to ask the original creator??? I ask this because I find the way that patterns are presented on this website harder to read and understand. (Also what if the creator is no longer active on the website in a long time ) ( or the pattern is over 8 years old)

RE : I understand that this may not be allowed but... by horsegrl 4 years ago

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What I mean is can I take a pattern from here and put it in bracelet book??

RE : I understand that this may not be allowed but... by Anyblia 4 years ago

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No, you can’t.
BB works the same way as we do, you need to be the Creator of a pattern to post it or to have permission from them.
If you don’t, it’s stealing.


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