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Pattern wont appear. by SolusUmbra 4 years ago

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I'm trying to make pattern K813, but no matter what I try the pattern wont appear like its suppose to. In case if makes a difference I'm trying to use .5 bugtail string.

RE : Pattern wont appear. by kleinevos 4 years ago

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Are you moving the strings like the tutorial explains? There are some pictures uploaded to this pattern. Does your kumihimo look like these?
The type of string shouldn’t make a difference. But braided kumihimos always look a bit different from the pattern image. It can also make a difference how tight you braid.

RE : Pattern wont appear. by SolusUmbra 4 years ago

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How do i make my tension lighter and I didn't see a tutorial or pictures just the pattern.

RE : Pattern wont appear. by SolusUmbra 4 years ago

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Found the tutorial i think and yes that is that I was doing.

RE : Pattern wont appear. by kleinevos 4 years ago

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Do you have a weight at the start of your kumihimo? That is needed for even tension. You can braid tighter by pulling the strings a bit more before putting them back in the slots.

RE : Pattern wont appear. by SolusUmbra 4 years ago

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Yes my friend made me a couple of monkey fist balls that I use one is 1.2 ounces and the other is 1.6 ounces. Do I need less weight? If anything I think I'm to tight, I'm also a tight crocheter so it would fit. Haha

RE : Pattern wont appear. by kleinevos 4 years ago

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It’s hard to tell if the weight is good or not. It depends on how many strings you use and on how thick the strings are. Too much weight will pull the kumihimo down and result in a looser braid.

Too tight will result in a stiff and somewhat bumpy kumihimo. It doesn’t affect the pattern, meaning that it will look more like the pattern than a loose braided kumihimo.
Can you show a picture? It’s hard to tell what’s the problem without seeing the kumihimo!

RE : Pattern wont appear. by SolusUmbra 4 years ago

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Haha, I tore it all apart, give me alittle time and I'll remake and find away to post it.

RE : Pattern wont appear. by SolusUmbra 4 years ago

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Don’t know how to post the picture....

RE : Pattern wont appear. by SolusUmbra 4 years ago

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I don't know how but it looks pretty good this time around, but it is on the stiff side for sure.


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