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Wrist Pain from making bracelets by linzpods 3 years ago

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Hi everyone! I've noticed that my wrists have been hurting/sore the next day after several days of bracelet making, even if I'm only knotting for an hour or so each day. Does anyone else get this?
Icing helps a little, but do people have any more preventative fixes? Like would a wrist brace help? I know I should just take a few days off, but I'm trying to finish a few larger patterns for holiday gifts.
I also get pain in my index fingers just as frequently. Any advice for stopping that pain would be greatly appreciated too!

RE : Wrist Pain from making bracelets by Anyblia 3 years ago

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Your muscles are working, it’s a normal pain! ;)
The muscles we use in our wrists and hands to do the movements for knotting are not “natural” ones. The
Your hands will progressively get stronger. Allow yourself breaks, and you’ll be fine ;)
I often use red Tiger Balm to release the pain. But it doesn’t work for everybody ^^’

RE : Wrist Pain from making bracelets by linzpods 3 years ago

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I don't know if that's the case for me. It feels more like tendon strain possibly? I've been making bracelets on and off casually for years i.e. summer camp way back when... But they've been my main hobby for the past two years and I never had this happen before.
(I finally made an account a few weeks ago so I could add and favorite patterns, but I'll start posting old pictures to their tutorials to give credit where it is due!)


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