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Crimp Ends Question by Linzbutterfly 3 years ago

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Is there a way to start and end a normal pattern with a straight row or two so you don’t have to deal with diagonals when attaching crimp ends?

RE : Crimp Ends Question by halokiwi 3 years ago

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I'm unsure if I understand your question correctly but yes, you can start bracelets in straight lines. If this is confusing to do for you while segment-knotting which you seem to do (segment-knotting is when you knot in diagonals) you could try knotting row by row for the first few rows. The following explanation is for when your pattern has an even amount of strings. To knot row by row you put the strings in the order you can see on top of the pattern. You group the strings together in pairs of two and make the knots of the first row. To make the second row you put the strings in pairs again but leave out the leftmost and rightmost string. Then you make all knots of that row. This way you have started in a straight row. You can of course also start in a straight row when segment-knotting.

RE : Crimp Ends Question by Linzbutterfly 3 years ago

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Thank you! I’m not segment knotting but if a bracelet has a chevron or candy stripe design the first rows done start out as straight lines. I’ll give your technique a try and appreciate the advice

RE : Crimp Ends Question by halokiwi 3 years ago

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For example when doing the candystripe you can still start in a straight line even when segment knotting. Let's say it's a candystripe to the right. You take the second string from the right and do a f knot, then you take the 4th string from the right and do 3 f knots. Then you take the 6th string from the right and make 5 f knots. And so on. You just don't start out with full diagonals.

RE : Crimp Ends Question by Linzbutterfly 3 years ago

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Thanks, I’m going to test this out with scrap thread first. I’ve read tutorials on making straight starts after buckles and embarrassingly they just confuse me. If I’m not using crimp ends I pretty much do a teardrop loop for every bracelet


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