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Needing Ideas!!! by Raven Lynn 3 years ago

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Hey everyone. I'm Raven Lynnaeh. I am starting a small handcraft business which consists of all my fiber arts (cross-stitch, macramé, crochet, etc.). I have came up with the name KnottyPagan Designs but desperately need help with ideas for my macramé projects. I have a pretty basic color scheme for the business its self (purple, teal/blue, silver/grey, and pink).

I am looking for ideas in these areas:
1. Color Schemes
2. Patterns
3. Themes
4. Most popular items

Any ideas or inspirations are greatly appreciated!!!

RE : Needing Ideas!!! by koalagirl_30 3 years ago

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Color Scheme Ideas:
Yellow and Purple
Orange and Blue
Red and Green
Gold and Maroon
Silver and Navy
Black and White

I will tell you more color ideas as soon as I think of some!

RE : Needing Ideas!!! by Timtheman 3 years ago

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I like blue/green, red/orange, white/black, teal/purple, white/blue, and many more!


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