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Alpha generator won't let me submit by Cerulean Cephalopod 3 years ago

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Yesterday I tried submitting an alpha pattern, but I got a pop up message saying there was an unknown error and it couldn't be uploaded. I tried again today and the same thing happened. For some reason when I make patterns in the alpha generator and try to submit them it won't go through. I'm wondering if this is a problem only I'm having or if other people are having the same issue or how to fix it?
Thank you

RE : Alpha generator won't let me submit by Celicia 3 years ago

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There is an alpha pattern of yours pending from around the same time this forum was created. So the problem is solved?

RE : Alpha generator won't let me submit by kleinevos 3 years ago

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I see problems with our server, which also effects our other generators. I’ll try to contact our webmaster.

RE : Alpha generator won't let me submit by Cerulean Cephalopod 3 years ago

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Right after it happened when I checked my pending patterns to see if it went through there was nothing, but when I looked now it is showing up as you say, so looks like it did go through but was just delayed or something. Thank you :)

RE : Alpha generator won't let me submit by kleinevos 3 years ago

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It should be fixed now. Patterns were coming through, but not in the usual way. There were some hiccups, but that’s taken care of now.


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