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pattern 2073 by usr1002 15 years ago

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Does anybody know how long the threads have to be for this pattern?

P.S: what is the general lenght also?

RE: pattern 2073 by CoHa 15 years ago

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It's my pattern... to do it in my version... need this lenghts (from left to right)...

80 - 105 - 105 - 100 - 125 - 115 - 120 - 120 - 115 - 135 -
90 - 120 - 75 - 110 - 60 - 60 - 110 - 75 - 120 - 90 - 135 -
115 - 120 - 120 - 115 - 125 - 100 - 105 - 105 - 80

(pearl cotton No. 5)

RE: pattern 2073 by usr1002 15 years ago

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Thank you Coha for replying but I'm sry I dont fully understand the meaning of the letters... I'm sry If you could tell me wat the numbers mean I would be very thankful.... what do you mean by perle cotton also?

RE: pattern 2073 by usr1002 15 years ago

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I meant the meaning of the numbers...

RE: pattern 2073 by CoHa 15 years ago

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Those are the lenghts of the threads in cm.

I don't know what type of yarn you use - I always use pearl cotton No. 5 (MEZ or DMC).

The lenghts could be longer or shorter if you use another type of yarn.

RE: pattern 2073 by usr1002 15 years ago

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oh thank you oh so much!!!!!! I will make sure 2 buy the perle cotton thread!!!!
Thank you again.

RE: pattern 2073 by usr1002 15 years ago

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hi Coha, are you sure that the mesurement is cm? because that is really really small.
Did you mean meter by any chance?

RE: pattern 2073 by CoHa 15 years ago

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80 meter - 105 meter - ... !?

Just try it! :-)


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