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quick way to tie 1212 patterns? by ArCee 3 years ago

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Hey y'all, someone 10 years ago on here said something about tying 1212 patterns in a V and doing \\\ and then //// and I have no idea what that means.

I'm currently working on Pattern #70389 and while it's not exactly a 1212 pattern, it's mostly fbk and bfk's all the way down. It's my first pattern I've tried where I couldn't just do straight up diagonal blocks with the same thread like you can with normal patterns. Tips are awesome. Y'all are awesome.

RE : quick way to tie 1212 patterns? by halokiwi 3 years ago

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I think what they mean is that they knot it like a chevron (pattern 2), so not row by row but in v shapes.

You could check out this tutorial on segment knotting

While the pattern you mention can only be partially segment knotted, it might be still useful to knot those parts in segments. For that I recommend taking a screenshot of the pattern or printing it and then drawing the segments into it.


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