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Kumihimo Color Issues by Books and Bracelets 3 years ago

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Kumihimo generator will only change colors to red. I've refreshed the page and tried the color picker. Please fix or give me something else to try!

RE : Kumihimo Color Issues by halokiwi 3 years ago

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I think I have had this issue too in the past but I think it can be fixed by clicking "ok" after picking the colour.

RE : Kumihimo Color Issues by kleinevos 3 years ago

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On my ipad I have to fill in the color code in both boxes, on top and bottom. Even if the right code is already visible in the bottom box.
We’re having lots of issues with that generator and it doesn’t look like it will be fixed soon. The kumihimos have always been an addition to the main thing: knotted friendshipbracelets. So it’s not a priority, unfortunately.

RE : Kumihimo Color Issues by Books and Bracelets 3 years ago

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OK thank you.


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