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Stretched out image on bracelet by Face 3 years ago

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Hi everyone, I'm making pattern #38818 (cherries) and so far the image on the bracelet looks really stretched out, especially the red part of the cherries. My knots are pretty tight, is this a tension issue? Or is this just the way bracelets usually are?

RE : Stretched out image on bracelet by halokiwi 3 years ago

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This seems to be a common issue. I rarely do alphas but I think knotting less tightly can help. You can also try to use thicker base strings or even doubling your base strings. You can also push up the knots after each row by using a ruler or something similar.

RE : Stretched out image on bracelet by kleinevos 3 years ago

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It’s normal pattern #38818 isn’t it? That’s a pattern with 1212-structure and those patterns always look stretched, you can’t really do anything about it. Have a look at this tutorial for comparison between different structures.

RE : Stretched out image on bracelet by Timtheman 3 years ago

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Wow, what great advice everyone. Way to work as a team.

RE : Stretched out image on bracelet by halokiwi 3 years ago

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Oops, I didn't check if the pattern was a normal or alpha. I just assumed it was an alpha because this is a very common issue with alphas.

RE : Stretched out image on bracelet by Face 3 years ago

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I think I fixed the issue! Thank you so much everyone!


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