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How to add a description, tags, etc. to a submitted normal patter? by dog2879 3 years ago

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I have tried submitting a few normal patterns. Two were rejected because they were too similar (I believe though I am not sure) and another is pending. I have just submitted another pattern but for none of them I have been able to add a description or anything. I tried the alpha generator and I could add tags, etc. there. Am I missing something? Thanks for any help.

RE : How to add a description, tags, etc. to a submitted normal patter? by daberserker 2 months ago

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Oh gosh, I had the same question, but seeing as no one answered it 2 years later... Dx

RE : How to add a description, tags, etc. to a submitted normal patter? by halokiwi 2 months ago

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It's just not possible to add description and keywords for normal patterns. The moderators will do that. But if you think something is missing once the pattern is accepted, you could ask them to add it and they might, if they think it fits.


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