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Tapered end for horizontal-stripe bracelet by soscout 3 years ago

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Hello! I am still a bit new to bracelet making, and this is my first time attempting this pattern. But I can’t find a guide to create a tapered end for this pattern anywhere. It is done row-by-row, and has no obvious ‘triangle’, so I am unsure of how to go about it.

I’m sure that there is a pattern on this site for this bracelet but I wasn’t able to find it. So I will just paste the instructions I’ve been following from a different site:

- line the strings up in pattern order (two strings of each color)
- starting from the left, forward knot each of the two same-colored strings together
- Second row: Set aside the two outermost threads. Forward-backward knot the pairs (the pairs will now be one color + the adjacent color)
- Repeat those two steps

Also, would it be too late to add a tapered end to the beginning as well? Thanks all!

RE : Tapered end for horizontal-stripe bracelet by halokiwi 3 years ago

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To make triangle ends you would do the following

1st row: do a full row
2nd row: leave one string out on each side
3rd row: leave two strings out on each side
4th row: leave three strings out on each side
and so on until you have gotten to a row with only one knot. After that you make the edges like you usually would.

You can make triangle ends for any normal pattern, even if it does not have an obvious triangle in it. Just follow the structure described above and it should work.

RE : Tapered end for horizontal-stripe bracelet by kleinevos 3 years ago

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Have a look at this tutorial for how to finish the borders of the triangle.
As halokiwi said: Any pattern can be made with triangle ends. And if your strings at the beginning are long enough you can turn the bracelet around and make the start just like the finish.

RE : Tapered end for horizontal-stripe bracelet by soscout 3 years ago

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Thank you both so much!


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