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Save, but not submit option by ArCee 2 years ago

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Hello! I was wondering if there was a way to generate an image of a variant pattern for print? I've been creating a lot of similar patterns and I understand why they're getting rejected, and I love the site, I love the generator, is there some kind of way that I can save the finished product as an image without burdening the mods?

I ask because sometimes the output of the "edit colors in generator" window or the generator window have scroll bars and it's not a single image I can scale and save to a single place for reference when taking awesome patterns I find on here but using my own colors.

Like, I just want to be able to rasterize my pattern tweaks. How do I make that happen

RE : Save, but not submit option by Irenei 2 years ago

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It would be very cool, especially for more comlicated patterns where it's easy to make mistake. I need to have my pattern physical I can't follow it on screen but you can't copy or print edited version from generator. You could do a screenshot but some patterns are to wide.
I'm not using this site for a long time, if there already is solution to that problem i would like to know.

RE : Save, but not submit option by kleinevos 2 years ago

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I’ll forward it to our webmaster. Before the site was updated, patterns were always fully visible in the generator (no scrolling left or right), although some patterns were too long to screenshot as a whole. I agree that it’s not very user friendly for wide patterns now.
Maybe our webmaster can build in a zoom out mode to fix this problem.

RE : Save, but not submit option by ArCee 2 years ago

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yeah, that would be cool! or maybe there's a way to generate a temporary pattern image, that's only saved on the server for 24h, so it's up to whoever generated it to save it to their device? Some older logo and meme generator websites do that to save server space.

RE : Save, but not submit option by fb101 2 years ago

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Hi ArCee!

Sorry for the wait, I read the post a few days ago but didn't have enough time to reply.

Allowing people to save a pattern without making it public implies a lot of development. It impacts the visibility of patterns, the search, the moderation process, the newsfeed, etc. I still want to make it a feature eventually, but it's impossible for me to put a deadline on it or even promise it'll be done. I can tell you though that once the redesign is done, that might be something we look into making as it was suggested by other members too!

RE : Save, but not submit option by sbina86 2 years ago

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And that when the colors are edited the pattern number is indicated please!

RE : Save, but not submit option by ArCee 2 years ago

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Hi fb101! I totally understand, thanks for the update! <3


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