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how to print a pattern that has repeating large pattern? by Harleydragon 2 years ago

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Okay here it is I have done repeating pattern before but now things have changed again. And whenever I change a color pattern like the 3084 how do I get to make copy of colors I want to use in repeating large pattern since it has been awhile I've been here on my account.

RE : how to print a pattern that has repeating large pattern? by Celicia 2 years ago

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In this type of patterns you should not take into account the colors, you must follow the knots (arrows). When you finish knotting all the rows, you return to the first one following the arrows and not the color of the thread.

On the other hand, if you use the color changer tool and want to save the result, you need to take a screenshot of the pattern and store it on your device, then you can print it

RE : how to print a pattern that has repeating large pattern? by Harleydragon 2 years ago

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Thank you for update I will try that


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