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Magnify existing pattern by MiskaTHEdog 2 years ago

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Hello! My sister and I are trying to do a project. We essentially want to make a GIANT friendship bracelet. We won’t be repeating the pattern though. We are using thicker rope. We liked this pattern but when we made it we wanted to see if we could make it even bigger. I was wondering if anyone has insight how to basically take this design and use like 4x as many strings (it’s 13 so we are shooting for 52). Will we will have to start from scratch on a design, or is there an easy way to take the existing design and blow it up?

RE : Magnify existing pattern by halokiwi 2 years ago

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Each string in the pattern you would replace by four strings of the same colour. For each one knot in the pattern, you would knot a square of 4x4 knots, if you were to make the pattern 4 times bigger.

F knots and b knots get replaced by squares of f and b knots. Fb knots get replaced by 3 rows of f knots, one row of fb knots and 3 rows of b knots. For bf knots it's the other way around.

I hope this makes sense

RE : Magnify existing pattern by halokiwi 2 years ago

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The only issue with this technique is that you would also need to knot the little triangles at the edges of the pattern that are usually not visible.


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