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Doubling a bracelet width by mapa209 last year

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Is there a way to double the size of the bracelet in generator? Like a mirror option?

RE : Doubling a bracelet width by halokiwi last year

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You can click on "edit colors in the generator" on an existing pattern. Add as many strings as there already are. The you manually change the colors of the strings and copy the knots from the left side to the right side manually. To save that pattern, you need to take a screenshot.

Here is a video explaining how to double patterns:

RE : Doubling a bracelet width by kleinevos last year

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The easiest way is to screenshot the pattern and put two next to each other. See this tutorial about doubling .

RE : Doubling a bracelet width by halokiwi last year

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Wow, this is such a cool tutorial! So many options!


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