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85844 in rainbow LGBT flag by vikolay last year

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Help me create a pattern similar to 85844 but I would like to use the 6 colors of the LGBT rainbow flag and black. Thank you so much!

RE : 85844 in rainbow LGBT flag by halokiwi last year

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I think you should be able to knot this exact pattern with rainbow colours

Click "edit colours in generator" to check it out

I'd use the following string order
purple black purple black blue black blue black green black green black yellow black yellow black orange black orange black red black red black

Or do you want a pattern that is a different size?

RE : 85844 in rainbow LGBT flag by halokiwi last year

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I made a smaller one. Not sure, if it is going to be accepted, but here it is.

RE : 85844 in rainbow LGBT flag by vikolay last year

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Thank you! This is very helpful


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