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"can't connect to website" even though internet works fine by Fractoluminescence last year

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When I click "save new pattern" it gives me a confirmation window, and I click 'yes', and then it tells me it can't connect to the website or server or something... I've never had that issue before and it bothers me a lot because it makes the page bug out and reloading the page resets the pattern entirely...

Had my internet not been working fine today I would have assumed that that was the problem, but it has to be something else I assume since it's been working fairly well.

I tried whitelisting the website on my adblocker and antivirus in case they were the issue, but it didn't help.

(In case it matters, I've been using the normal pattern generator)

It's really bothersome, and I was hoping that someone happened to know how to fix this.

RE : "can't connect to website" even though internet works fine by kleinevos last year

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I noticed it, too. I think it’s a server issue of our site. The pattern are saved though, so you can ignore the message that it’s not saving. I hope our webmaster will fix it!

RE : "can't connect to website" even though internet works fine by Fractoluminescence last year

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Oh, I see! Thanks a lot!

RE : "can't connect to website" even though internet works fine by kleinevos last year

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It should be fixed :-)


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