
was donated
cree des prnom by noobass last year

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bonjour je cherche des tuto ou video pour faires des bracelet prénom en double demi clef vertical et horizontal j ai du mal a bien comprendre les louage je pense si quelqu un aurais des images par image par exemple ca serais gentil merci a tous

RE : cree des prnom by halokiwi last year

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We are supposed to write in English in the forum so everyone can understand, so here is a translation of what you wrote into English made by google translate, since I don't know French:
hello I am looking for tutorials or videos to make first name bracelets in double vertical and horizontal half keys I have trouble understanding the rents I think if someone would have images by image for example that would be nice thank you all

I'm not sure, what you mean exactly, but you can follow this tutorial and use this generator to create name patterns


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