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Can’t save edited listen by lovekittykats last year

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I took an existing pattern and edited it and added rows and strings. There was no way to save it. If that’s not bad enough. I’m using safari in my iPhone I went to another tab to search for help but when I went back to my tab. My pattern was GONE. I lost everything. >:(

RE : Can’t save edited pattern by lovekittykats last year

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Can’t save edited pattern

Saving patterns only possible when creating a new pattern, not when editing existing patterns by halokiwi last year

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You have to start a new pattern, if you want to save the pattern. It is not possible to save edits of already existing pattern. The edit function there is just for personal use, if you want to look at a different colour combination or to make slight alterations to the pattern. You could take a screenshot of it, if you want to save it to your device, but you can't post it.

RE : Can’t save edited listen by kleinevos last year

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To add to that: There’s a reason for that. Posting existing patterns isn’t allowed, it counts as stealing patterns. And patterns very similar to existing patterns will be rejected. There has to be a clear difference between the existing and the edited version to consider it a new pattern.


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