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Selling by Cosmically_Tied last year

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Hey! Does anyone here have an etsy-like shop that they run? How much do you charge for bracelet?

RE : Selling by xanapus last year

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I have an Etsy shop and the formula I use is .75 cents per strand. So if it's a 12 strand bracelet, I charge $9. Etsy tells you to charge for materials and your time. It typically takes me around 2 hours to make a 12 strand 6 1/2 inch bracelet, but I'm not going to ask someone to pay me for 2 hours worth of wages of $15.50 per hour, which is the California minimum wage. That would be a very expensive bracelet, so I've chosen to just make it .75 cents per strand. You can charge whatever you want, but I think charging per strand is the best idea because you don't have to guess what to charge.

RE : Selling by Cosmically_Tied last year

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Thank you!


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