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Beginning loops with strings that don't fold halfway (single colors) by libertad 10 months ago

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When I make a beginning loop with a pattern that has single strings of a color, when the person goes to put the bracelet on, the loop pulls apart. How can I make beginnings for bracelets with this configuration of strings? I know one of you wizards can tell me what the secret is! It is hard because so many patterns have single strings of a color that don't loop all the way around to fold halfway to make the loop. Thanks in advance for any ideas! What I've been doing is meeting the ends of both batches of strings and overlapping them a little and then using one of the strings to make FB knots around the bunch, then carefully pulling the ends into the "tube" that is made with the FB knots. Then I start the bracelet itself.

RE : Beginning loops with strings that don't fold halfway (single colors) by kleinevos 10 months ago

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Have a look at our tutorial for the larkshead knot loop. You can make the loop like usual and cut one end of the string after that. That way the loop is strong enough and you have your single string.


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