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Broken thread by CarolinedP 3 months ago

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Hi, my strings regularly break while I'm making my bracelet. Which strings do you advise me to use? Where do you buy them? Thank you so much!

RE : Broken thread by Bunny.Timeline 3 months ago

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I like using the DMC embroidery floss or the Anchor brand embroidery floss. Where to buy. Hmm. I honestly just head to my go-to craft store across the street, which would be Michael's Craft Store. Though I would expect nearly any craft store to at least have the DMC floss, which has pleasantly never broken before in my time of use. I hope this helps!

RE : Broken thread by CarolinedP 3 months ago

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Thank you very much. I use DMC too but sometimes the strings separate and end up breaking. I saw that there were several thicknesses. Maybe I need to try it out. Thanks for your help!

RE : Broken thread by Marlee97 3 months ago

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I only use dmc because every other brand ive tried breaks


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