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Organizing Printed Patterns? by Kairedfern 14 years ago

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I'm the kind of person that see's a pattern I like, prints and and puts it into a folder (one for easier, one for harder, one for alpha). But I have the idea of putting them all into a notebook, organized as earlier said.

So like, how would I organize the easy ones IN the notebook, same with the hard ones? By string #? I usually change the colors, so that wouldn't work. By style? And how would I put them on a page but be able to take them off when I need them, or should I do one of those rope-book-marks with a bead?

Wow coming up with ideas as I write :)

RE: Organizing Printed Patterns? by listentmw 14 years ago

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What kind of notebook are you talking about? A spiral bound or a binder? It might be helpful to use a 3-hole-punch binder so that you could easily take out a pattern when you needed it. Also, I think organizing by string number would be most helpful, so that you can easily look through patterns based on how big (wide) they will be. You could also try organizing by how often you use the pattern, or just favorites in general. This might not be as reliable a method as you might frequently change your mind on this one.

RE: Organizing Printed Patterns? by wojo 14 years ago

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maybe number of strings then you can see if you want a thicker pattern or a smaller pattern

RE: Organizing Printed Patterns? by eclipse1998 14 years ago

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I put all the normal patterns in one folder the alpha patterns in a different folder and 1212 patterns in the last folder and then I put all the folders in a binder

RE: Organizing Printed Patterns? by Mockingjay 14 years ago

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Use the rope bookmarks with beads to separate normal, alpha, and 1212 patterns, then use section dividers for string number. Or, instead of string number, by holiday (if you like those patterns), color, or difficulty. Hope this helps.

~ Mockingjay })i({

RE: Organizing Printed Patterns? by gabi3123 14 years ago

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i suggest doin it by pattern # like me....i have a paper in the beginning of my binder and i write down the #s in order and then i also write a little note wat the pattern is...

RE: Organizing Printed Patterns? by Vicky 14 years ago

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I haven't been printing them out personally, unless I need to have the design with me when I'm going somewhere. If I did, though, I'd probably organize them by string number, and by difficulty within each set of number of strings. Since the pictures have the pattern number printed right on them, I don't see the need for organizing them by the pattern number.

RE: Organizing Printed Patterns? by rjkcurrie3 14 years ago

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I use a binder and put them in order by the number of strings also to make it easier I use the plastic sheet protectors and on the harder patterns I use a dry erase marker so I can keep track of where I am then wipe off when I am done.

RE: Organizing Printed Patterns? by Mockingjay 14 years ago

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i have plastic sheet protectors, too, but i never thought of using a marker. that's a good idea.

RE: Organizing Printed Patterns? by eternity26 14 years ago

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Yeah, I would do it by number of strings, but depending on how many patterns you have printed out, you might just want to organize them by your favorite pattern to least favorite! I don't see why organizing them by the pattern number wouldn't work, as Vicky stated before. I just print out the patterns and use a big binder clip to hold them together.


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