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Track Foot by usr1162 15 years ago

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can anyone help me figure out how to make a track foot (thin if possible)?


RE: Track Foot by usr1143 15 years ago

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hey there is this german website that, like this website, gives awesome patterns for FREE!

as it is in german, i'll tell u in detail where to go.

after u go to this site, click on "muster" on the left hand column. then click "einfache muster". your footprint pattern would be there. then click on "Kn?pfanleitung" for the instructions on how to make it.

as i said its in german but there is a step by step pattern for u to follow.. its basically all reverse knots! hope u have fun making it.

RE: Track Foot by usr1162 15 years ago

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thats not what i imagined, but i really like it, ill try putting it on this site when i figure it out, its kinda hard to navigate, but that site has some realyl cool ones

RE: Track Foot by usr1143 15 years ago

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haha thats cool. but don't put it on this site cuz it already has this exact pattern. i found out right after i gave u the german website haha.
its cuz there's this user, CoHa, who most likely runs the german one and just puts his/her designs on this site too lol.

RE: Track Foot by CoHa 15 years ago

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Hi kimberlicious,

The User "CoHa" is the owner of the website ;-)

RE: Track Foot by usr1143 15 years ago

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yeah i figured thats why i said u ran it hehe.
its so nice that u provide designs for free.. unlike another german website..
do u think of all those patterns urself?
ich liebe dich for the patterns! ;)

RE: Track Foot by CoHa 15 years ago

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Hi kimberlicious!

Sorry, my English is not the best, so I think I misunderstood your posting ;-)

Most of the patterns are my own creation; some standard-patterns have already been invented by other people. But this shows, that friendship bracelets are a nice, creative hobby :-) I love it! ;-)

After I have watched lot of other pages, it's hard to create a really new pattern :-))))


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