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Clipboards are no longer necessary! by Melaina 14 years ago

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Instead of using clipboards or writing utensils to hold down my bracelets, I'm using cardboard. To do this, I just cut out a 6"x10" piece of cardboard usually from any type of box. Then, at the top of the cardboard cut-out, I cut a slit at the top to place the starter right in the center. Don't cut too much or else you're losing valuable places to make the rest of the bracelet. Last I just cut 6-10 slits at the bottom depending on how much string you're using for that bracelet. Place a single thread into each slit. It REALLY helped me get organized when I first started out and it still helps me keep everything in line with more complex patterns. So when you start just place the starter knot behind the first slit to secure it, and then place the individual strings like you would usually let them hang!
I hope this helped anyone that needed help.

RE: Clipboards are no longer necessary! by miserablyunhip 14 years ago

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Lol I learned to make bracelets using this method when I was in 4th from watching ZOOM.

RE: Clipboards are no longer necessary! by flossfreak 14 years ago

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i was having a really difficult time last night this will definetly help!

RE: Clipboards are no longer necessary! by MyChihuahuaBITE 14 years ago

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how do u hold the cardboard in place though?

RE: Clipboards are no longer necessary! by Unbelieber 14 years ago

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Haha Zoom was an awesome show!

RE: Clipboards are no longer necessary! by seahorse130 14 years ago

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This is an amazing method! I use it for my really big and confusing bracelets because it helps me keep track of all my strings. :)

RE: Clipboards are no longer necessary! by sparkles 14 years ago

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i don't think they're no longer necessary. i only use cardboard to START my bracelets, then i switch to a clipboard. i hate starting on a clipboard and all the threads are all messed up and not seperated :)

RE: Clipboards are no longer necessary! by fbmagic 14 years ago

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I remember zoom! That was a good show. :D


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