
was donated
"watchers" list by usr3720 14 years ago

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okay as i said in the guestbook, i think that there should be a watchers list. meaning you can "watch" someone so when ever they have a new pattern or picture you will get a notification. i think that a lot of people would like this. "watchers" can also be refered to as friends. either way i think there should be a option so that you can get notifications on when your favorite users come up with a new pattern or photo. please please please think this over and only CONSIDER putter this as an otion! thanks! :D

RE: by mikki 14 years ago

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I was wanting the same thing!! I would love to have a friends list but not the notifications. So you can just check on your favorite users cuz as of now I have to write their names down and keep track of the paper. And like Izzy5555 said with the notifications you can turn those on or off. You can choose which friends you want notifications on and which ones you dont

RE: by Gracie04 14 years ago

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RE: by redwookie23 14 years ago

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Hey I can't figure out how to make the patterns to generate your own.
I need to make a Dark blue and red bracelet that says BC #30
My friend just passed away, and I want to make the bracelets to help
pay for medical bills and I will sell them so the profits can help out the
family. IF anyone can help my tech-tarded self, please do..I know a lot
of people will be greatful for the bracelets, and I would appreciate the
help if you have time. Thanks

RE: by redwookie23 14 years ago

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Sorry I didn't mean to post that on this thread, Sorry.

RE: by the_ev 14 years ago

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i like that idea. i wouldn't mind being able to turn notifications for patterns off too. unless we can and i haven't found out how to yet.

RE: by kitkat15 14 years ago

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hey, this is izzy but i had to make a new profile. my last one wouldnt upload pictures. so yea i really like the whole being able to turn off the notifactions thing. that is a really good idea. i hope they add this to the website soon

RE: by collies11 14 years ago

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I think what they have is fine, but has room for optional improvment....


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