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Guestbook comment

fb101 wrote (4 years ago)

Hi Allison! The file size limit is supposed to be the same as the old website. This limit should be increased in a near future, but I'd like to better understand what happens... Do you mind showing me the picture you're trying to send (if you can upload somewhere and then send me the link)? I also read you can't send PM so don't hesitate to just send another message on the guestbook if it still doesn't work. I'm also thinking... Are you sure the picture is orignally in JPEG format (.jpg or .jpeg file extension)? If you're trying to upload a .bmp it could explain why you need to downsize it until it's really small (some image formats are much "heavier" than others). Regarding the PM problem, could you give me a few additional details? - Do you have any error message when you try to send the PM? - What are you able to do? Can you click the send button? - Could you tell me what device you're using to access the website when the problem happens (is it on a cellphone? if so what model/browser are you using? same questions if you're using a computer). Regards!

fb101 wrote (4 years ago)

By the way... I saw you're from Canada. If French happens to be your 1st language you can reply in French :)!

Allison98 wrote (4 years ago)

Hey! I realized after I sent my previous message that I thought I used the lowest format size on my camera but I didn't! I'll re-take them and post them. I'll see if that fixes my problem. And yes I'm using .jpg. I use photoshop to edit my pics so I always make sure they are the right file size and format. As for the PM, I did get an error message when I tried to send the message. I clicked the send button and the error message appeared. I am accessing this on my Dell laptop using Chrome. I've never had issues before with Chrome on this site. And English is my first language. I'm in ON.

Allison98 wrote (4 years ago)

I'm going to try and message Lonike. I was able to send this to you but I wasn't able to message her. Maybe because I was initiating a message rather than responding?

Allison98 wrote (4 years ago)

And I see that the search bar is under construction still. It'll be nice when that gets set up again!

Allison98 wrote (4 years ago)

Now I am able to send a PM. Whatever was going on there is fixed now.

fb101 wrote (4 years ago)

I'll be working on the search tonight. I started a few days ago but there's still some work to be done before I can put it online. Don't hesitate to drop me a word if you notice anything else that's not working! If you have an error message in the future and you can take a screenshot that'd be really helpful to help me find the problem.

Allison98 wrote (4 years ago)

Awesome! Lonike talked to me about joining the Mod team again for a bit since I have lots of free time. I was a mod about 2 or 3 years ago and I loved it, but fall 2018- spring 2019 I never had time for it anymore. One thing I have noticed coming off of the Mod team is that I can still view the notifications that the moderators would get: kleinevos replied to the forum thread RE : Users who copy yesterday Celicia replied to the forum thread RE : New Watch// War 4 days ago kleinevos replied to the forum thread RE : New Watch// War 5 days ago kleinevos replied to the forum thread RE : New Watch// War 5 days ago kleinevos replied to the forum thread RE : Users who copy 6 days ago kleinevos replied to the forum thread RE : Users who copy 7 days ago kleinevos replied to the forum thread RE : Users who copy 9 days ago Celicia replied to the forum thread RE : New Watch// War 10 days ago kleinevos replied to the forum thread RE : Users who copy 10 days ago

Allison98 wrote (4 years ago)

And as of right now (I wasn't able to before) I can access those threads through the link. I don't think Lonike has added me as a mod since I don't have access to any other Mod stuff yet.

fb101 wrote (4 years ago)

Hi again! I just checked and you're a moderator as I write this message. I'm curious though, were you able to see those news before your mod status has been changed? I think the mods have created a temporary account to "view the website as a regular user" to check that kind of things. I'll post a message to make sure someone confirms me everything is OK! Welcome back in the mod team :D!

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