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generator source code

in-tension wrote (4 years ago)

Hey, I'm a programmer. I was using the generator tool and there were some improvements that I think would be really nice to add. I was wondering if I could get access to the code to see how plausible it would be to make those improvements and possibly make them. Thanks, in-tension

fb101 wrote (4 years ago)

Hi! I'm actually in the process of updating the website. The generator is not my primary focus at the moment but I'm not closed to contribution when it'll be time to create a new version of the generator. What did you have in mind?

in-tension wrote (4 years ago)

(Oh, I should also mention I've only been using the normal pattern generator so I don't know what applies to the other ones) There were a bunch of little things that I was thinking about: - There's an issue with the color cycle where it won't cycle through all the colors you're using - It would also be a nice a feature to add like a little color palette that you could put the colors you're gonna use - would also be nice to be able to drag the strings left and right in order to swap the colors - It would be really nice to have someway to save and continue editing later (as far as I could tell, it just saves the final picture and you can't go back to edit it, is that right?) - if you could continue editing then you could also do things were you could use someone else's design as a starting point which could be fun - it would be cool if it could be saved as some sort of text file (maybe json, with the 4 types of knots and colors defined at the top), and you could upload files that follow the format and it could render them - then you could make patterns programmatically which would be fun - It would also be nice to be able to tell it how many rows you want for the preview because sometimes you want to see a long pattern repeated a couple times and it's not long enough - It only let's you save patterns that end with the same colors in the same spot so as to make sure they're repeatable, but sometimes you have a pattern that ends with some of the colors swapped so that the pattern repeats but with a different color and after a couple repetitions it does end with the colors in the same spot, but the generator doesn't realize this so you can't really save it - It would be nice if the width of the website content could be expanded if the screen is big enough because if you have a pattern with a lot of strings then you end up with a horizontal scrollbar which is really annoying (and then one finds themselves in the chrome inspector/debugger removing the padding from random divs in the css tyring to get the content to expand and it's just downhill from there :) ) Of course, some of these things aren't very important. My programming experience is mostly with python and I'm assuming this is written in javascript. I've played with javascript a couple times in the past and never really got the hang of it, I was always struggling to get simple stuff running. If I dedicated some time to learning it I'm sure I could, but I don't if I can do that right now. So I really wanted to get a look at the code because if I can get it running and make some tweaks without to much trouble then great. But it might turn out that it's just too javascript-y for me.

fb101 wrote (4 years ago)

In fact all rendering is done in JS at the moment. As I mentionned, I have some things to work on at the moment, but I'll let you know when I plan on updating the generator... I expect the actual JS code to change quite a bit so when I have some time to make my mind about how it will be updated I'll let you know!

in-tension wrote (4 years ago)

Is there like a github or something, that I could take a look at the code?

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