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Password reset for user Sarjaky failed

kleinevos wrote (4 years ago)

We just received a message via Facebook from user She tried resetting the password, but she didn’t receive a new password. She also tried to post a private message in the guestbook, but she was considered a spambot. Can you have a look at it?

fb101 wrote (4 years ago)

Hi Lonike, In fact there's a problem with our mail delivery provider. It seems that every recipient which use an email provided by Microsoft (which means every email ending with, or hosted on Office365) deny every email we send. Not because of us, but because our provider is blacklisted by Microsoft's email servers. I'm sorry about that. I just wrote to our provider, but my wild guess is that I'll have to switch to a new provider (that's not an easily fixable thing for the provider when their server IP address ends up on a big company's blacklist). I created a support ticket and hope I have a reply soon (24-48 hours) but I'll start looking at my options to switch to a new company because I don't have a high confidence it'll be fixed... Thanks for letting me know! I'll keep you updated. If you think it would be worth it to drop a word on the homepage about that I could add it... P.S. : Regarding the "bot" problem. I updated the validation message so it should be much less frequent that people are confused (I mentionned that simply retrying solve the issue most of the time & explained better why it might happen). I plan on updating to a visible bot detector (like the one where you have to "check this box to prove you're not a robot" or the one that asks to find traffic lights). All those are provided by Google... The latest (V3) is the one I used on the website, but it seems it doesn't work perfectly for us (I suspect it works better for different kind of sites. That's the reason there is a relatively high number of "false positive" where people are told they are a bot when they aren't. Combined to the fact that there's no user interaction it's really confusing to the end user... So, bottom line, that'll be fixed too.

kleinevos wrote (4 years ago)

Okay! Yes, I think this problem with Microsoft addresses should be mentioned somewhere, before we get more messages about it.

kleinevos wrote (4 years ago)

I have manually changed her password and her email address. It’s now a Login worked, but she tried changing the password and that failed again. She also cannot use the password I gave her after that. What’s wrong? She gave a screenshot. Can you access our Facebook page? The conversation is there in the mailbox.

kleinevos wrote (4 years ago)

Correction: She could not login with the password I gave her, but she could enter the forgotten password form. But that failed. She couldn’t make a new password herself.

kleinevos wrote (4 years ago)

And she also posted something related to the Microsoft issue:

fb101 wrote (4 years ago)

Regarding the last link, email is properly configured (SPF flag). I tried manually changing my password for my regular account (fb202) and it worked fine. I'll check more tonight.

fb101 wrote (4 years ago)

I stopped using facebook a while ago (it's been about 1.5 years now). I'll check if there's any hints on the mail server (I should be able to see if some gmail recipient were unreachable because of the mail provider problem). I'm very confused that she wasn't able to access her account after you changed her password since I was able to access mine after reseting (user fb202). Do you mind sharing the username? My last resort will be to re-enable my facebook account :P! Also... I got a reply from the mail provider. They are looking into it (but I haven't heard since the AM). I'll see what I prioritize tonight (either wait a bit more for this provider & work on the new layout OR pay for a new provider & work on the config tonight). I'll let you know.

kleinevos wrote (4 years ago)

The user is Sarjaky :

fb101 wrote (4 years ago)

And from what I understood, at the moment she doesn't have access to her account? (I mean can I reset her password and try to login as her)?

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