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thread name replies author views last post
Can I save a new pattern to GIF without sending it to moderators for potential addition to the site?
I've been teaching the girls on summer camp a specific zig zag bracelet with 11 strands and I'd like
0 EllieP 474 last year
by EllieP
"can't connect to website" even though internet works fine
When I click "save new pattern" it gives me a confirmation window, and I click 'yes', and then it te
3 Fractoluminescence 574 last year
by kleinevos
How to create a pattern WITHOUT getting rejected?
I have not had any luck with creating any patterns which is disappointing because I was psyched to m
3 Loki1488 901 last year
by Celicia
Kumihimo Generator
How can i change the color in the Kumihimo generator? When i "tip" on the colorstripe or try to move
1 ShanjaG 858 last year
by halokiwi
New Alpha Pattern - #A73856
Hi All, I've created a new Alpha Pattern, which I am keen to share. It was created 5 days ago and
4 JMannino 894 last year
by Celicia
Ich habe versucht einem Muster neue Farben zu geben. Wie kann ich dies speichern?
1 BeboWu 538 last year
by Celicia
How do I use fill mode on the alpha generator?
Nothing happens when I left-click, and right clicking just brings up the standard desktop menu
4 Cafftac 893 last year
by kleinevos
im trying to generate an aboriginal flag pattern which is a red and black horizontal stripes with a
6 clofty 1614 last year
by halokiwi
alpha pattern from image
Is there a way to use an image to create an alpha pattern from?
1 Hisel 508 last year
by kleinevos
Doubling a bracelet width
Is there a way to double the size of the bracelet in generator? Like a mirror option?
3 mapa209 645 last year
by halokiwi

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